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Please note that we are on the 3rd floor, and unfortunately there is no lift.
NHS workers receive 20% off of all face to face Osteopathy appointments. Please cancel your appointment if you test positive for Covid, to protect our staff and vulnerable patients, thank you.
Balanced Osteopathy Online Bookings
Osteopathy is a hands-on approach to healthcare that involves the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Osteopaths look at the body holistically i.e. assessment and treatment is not isolated to the area thats painful, but looks at how movement and function of the rest of the body has influenced the development of pain and maintained it, thus restoring balance to the body's musculoskeletal system.
Treatment involves combinations of manual therapy techniques, such as stretching, massage, mobilisations and manipulations with the purpose of restoring joint mobility, relieving muscular tension and enhancing the blood and nerve supply to tissues. Your Osteopath will likely give advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent reccurence of symptoms.
Osteopaths are primary health care practitioners and you do not need a referral from your GP to receive Osteopathic treatment. Osteopathy is recommended by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence).
Osteopathy PLUS (our signature combination appointments)
Combining Osteopathy with different disciplines for a 1 hour highly personalised wellbeing experience
Women's Health Osteopathy
A women's health osteopathy appointment is appropriate for those specifically dealing with pelvic pain, gynaecological conditions, pelvic floor dysfunction, postnatal complaints such as abdominal separation and bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction. Your appointment is with an osteopath who is specialised in women's health and has undergone a post graduate diploma working alongside gynaecologists, obstetricians, midwives, ultra sonographers and other specialists.
Sports Massage
Sports Massage is a targeted massage treatment, focusing on treating injuries, niggles or problem areas identified by the client. Sports massage involves firm soft tissue work such as trigger point release, but can also involve active and passive stretching techniques to achieve improvements in flexibility and muscle tightness. As your therapist will be working on an injury or perhaps something like posture, you may expect a brief assessment to enable the massage therapist to identify areas that require more attention.
Sports massage is not just for those involved in fitness and sport! It can be enjoyed by anybody who is wanting to work on a particular issue. It is however beneficial in terms of injury prevention and pre and post event, to complement training, aid performance and recovery.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage - suitable from 12+ weeks through until term.
Clinical Pilates
Our one-to-one pilates classes are mat-based, working the entire body through a series of exercises aimed at improving your strength, co-ordination and mobility. Your pilates instructor is APPI qualified and a registered osteopath, meaning that you can expect high attention to detail on alignment and hands-on correction to maximise benefit and prevent injury. Exercises are designed to increase muscle strength and endurance, as well as flexibility, and to improve posture and balance.
Strength & Conditioning
12 week strength and conditioning programme inclusive of an in-person, clinic based one to one 90 minute session with our coach to discuss your personal goals, injury history, current exercise and to perform a biomechanical assessment. Your 12 week package includes a video/remote check-in session with your coach at week 4 and week 8, alongside email support for the duration of the programme to help guide you seamlessly through your progressive strength and conditioning programme. A strength and conditioning programme is perfect for building up towards an event such as a marathon or triathlon - specifically tailored to you, your body and your goals.
Osteopathy - Insurance Patients
Assessment, examination and treatment for your musculoskeletal injury, online from the comfort of your own home. Your injury can be managed remotely through the correct advice, load management and graded prescriptive exercise rehabilitation, tailored to you by a registered Osteopath.
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